
We are currently mapping our recruitment channels for role promotions, job ads etc. We would like to identify recruitment agencies and job boards for tech & sales for EU & US. Do you have any recommendations? Which job boards do you use most for EU & which for US? Any recruitment agencies that you’ve had a good experience with?Thank you



Curious to see others' recommendations here as well

Brad Collins

I came across this report after hearing about it on a podcast.  Provides a detailed look into job boards by country in Europe.  Depending on which countries you plan to hire in you can focus your investment.

Erika Drushka

In the US, I recommend taking a look at Black Tech Pipeline.

Yanislava Hristova

Hello @Maria Chardakis I would like to add to your list - Remote IT World. do Europe , South America, Latam tech and blockchain recruitment.

Mia Garzon

You might also want to try Otta.

Tyler Sellhorn

This is the list of remote job boards I share with remote job boards: